We've been a little busy and sure wish that we could have/ would have participated in the little competition among D.O. bloggers for the month of July. But alas, we didn't. Would have been great to do it too. So, since we haven't been Dutch oven cooking, what have we been up to?
Lots. Abby, now officially a big girl, at 18 months keeps us on our toes. She has been loving the hot weather and playing in her $7 plastic pool in the backyard. She loves the "wa-wa".
Erin has been sewing like crazy. Sewing a lot. Tomorrow, July 31st is the day that all sewing projects need to be submitted to the State Fair for judging. So, after tomorrow, maybe, just maybe, she can think about what will be cooked in those black pots next.
And Matt, well, he no longer works at home. Breaks no longer consist of weeding the garden or mowing the lawn. Which means, now when we both get home from work, we have more of that yard work to do. Needless to say, our meals have suffered. Think of something quick and then throw it together. We need to D.O. more- it makes us sit on the patio, watch Abby play, and relax. Yes, we resolve to start experimenting again.
Chinese Scallion Pancakes
5 years ago
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